16 Aug 2019 by Justine Horrocks

Peninsula Trail Runners AGM was held on 15th August 2019

As per process the current committee stood down, they were thanked for their work over the last year, and nominations for the 2019-20 committee opened.

The roles of president, VP, secretary and treasurer received no nominations and remain unfilled.
The positions of ‘ordinary members’ were filled by Kelly Wisdom, Clinton McDonald and Ian Ferguson.

The club cannot continue without a committee and so it was agreed at the AGM to hold (at a date to be confirm when a venue can be confirmed) a general meeting with special resolutions to close the club and return 2019-20 membership fees to current members and to give the clubs assets to Achilles Australia- Melbourne.

Members still have an opportunity to fill these positions and form a committee prior to the meeting. The special resolutions will still need to be heard, but if the members present/able to vote at the meeting are happy with those that have put themselves forward to run the committee then one would expect that the special resolutions would not pass.

The current committee will continue until this meeting and a new committee is formed or until the clubs closure is finalised.

The minutes from the AGM are available on Team App.

If you require clarification, have questions or want to know more about committee roles please do not hesitate to contact me, I will answer as honestly as I am able to

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