
PTR End of Month Run - Point Nepean

Sun, 26 Aug 2018
from 8:30am to 11:30am

by Marnie Grace
Posted: over 6 years ago
Updated: over 5 years ago by Marnie Grace
Visible to: public

Time zone: Australia/Melbourne
Reminder: 12 hours before
Ends: 11:30am (duration is about 3 hours)

Today, Lisa is taking us on a run around historic Point Nepean! Choose your own adventure:

1. Meet at the Park Gate at 8.30am for a 13km loop or
2. Meet at the Information Centre at 8.50am for an 11km loop or
3. Meet at Gunners Cottage at 9.15am for a 6.5km loop.

Those wishing to run further – we will do an extra loop to London Bridge after this, totalling approx 20km.

There will be coffee afterwards at the Portsea General Store.

Hope to see you there!


Point Nepean National Park


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